
How to contact the Police Services

Hertfordshire is one of the safest Counties in in the Country, with low crime levels and your Constabulary is one of the best performing police Services in England and Wales.

If you would like to be emailed with news and updates about your local Police service, please join our free service, OWL Community messaging.  See below.

In an emergency dial 999.  If the situation is not an emergency call 101. If you do not need immediate emergency assistance, crime can also be reported to us online via this link: Type into your browser

If you would like to be emailed with news and updates about your local Police service, please join our free service, OWL Community messaging.       Register at<<

Have you heard of Immobilise?  It is a free service which can help Police to reunite you with your possessions if they are lost or stolen. Type in your browser and follow the link below to register bicycles, mobile phones, headphones and other items – quickly and easily on the free online property register<<