Offley Parish Council contends that Luton Borough Council, together with Central Beds Council, will meet its own housing needs without the requirement to develop the three sites EL1, EL2 and EL3.
In the absence of up-to-date and verifiable housing data published by Luton Borough Council, Offley Parish Council has carried out its own assessment of Luton’s Housing Need. The results are published here.
- LBC Housing Need to 2031, determined by the NHC Local Plan, is 16,700
- Based on published data, LBC’s housing capacity is now assessed at over 16,300, compared to the 8,500 stated in its Local Plan. Of great importance, all these dwellings in Luton are on brownfield sites.
- Under Duty to Co-operate, Central Beds forecasts total dwellings to be built by them to meet Luton’s Housing Need is an additional 7,350 – building is well underway and on schedule
- The total housing capacity to meet Luton’s Housing Need of 16,700 is now over 23,650 – a 42% margin of error – in the event of delays, Luton’s need is still met
- This evidence shows, Luton does NOT have an Unmet Housing Need
- There are NO ‘exceptional circumstances’ for the release of the Green Belt East of Luton
- The Green Belt has been released for invalid reasons and any related planning applications should be declined
- There is no need for the planned development East of Luton
Given the overwhelming evidence showing the success of Luton Borough Council to meet its housing need, without the need for the planned development East of Luton, Offley Parish Council’s challenge is ongoing with North Herts Council about the validity of continuing to include EL1, EL2 and EL3 within its Local Plan.