
EOL Strategic Masterplan Status


The Developer Engagement Team held an exhibition of their ‘final’ Strategic Masterplan on 11th July 2024 at Cockernhoe Village Hall.    See ‘Useful Links’ to visit the Developer’s East of Luton website.    Although there was no opportunity for public comment, Offley Parish Council has submitted their concerns in relation to their limited view of the Masterplan to North Herts Council (see Offley PC EOL Masterplan concerns document).

The full and final version of the Strategic Masterplan for East of Luton is expected to be submitted to North Herts Council in Autumn 2024 where it will be reviewed and endorsed by the NHC Project Board and submitted to the NHC Cabinet and Full Council for their approval.

Offley Parish Council will further review the full and final version of the Strategic Masterplan when it is publicly available following NHC Project Board endorsement and if necessary, will submit further observations.

In the event North Herts Council approves the Strategic Masterplan for East of Luton, planning applications by the Developers will be submitted we believe later in 2024.